Kelly-mother effing-Clarkson
I admit it: I never watched American Idol. Actually, I still don't. I even miss out on my office pool to win a couple hundred bucks. the concept kind of bores me. most people who watch it tell me that i would love it, because most of the fun is talking about it with whoever you're watching it with. well, that doesn't really work for me either. considering one of my all time annoyances is talking during television. anyway, i'll watch a few of the episodes in the beginning of a season, because who wants to miss out on the next william hung? surely not me. and sometimes i'll catch the last ten minutes of the last show, to find out who won. but generally, i dont give a crap. i kind of felt that way about kelly clarkson, until she came out with Breakaway, slowly revamping her image from television reality star to rock chick. so, i have a girl crush. on kelly clarkson. the girl can sing, and she seems genuinely humble about her fame and what she gets to do for a living. you don't read about her in the tabloids and she's pretty private about most of her life. plus, she has bad skin (aka a proactive deal). i just love her.

so sometime in may, my friend jessica and i were talking online and we mentioned that we'd like to see her in concert. so she bought us tickets (and one for our friend danny) and last night we went. kelly was amazing, and played a really good mix of songs from her first album, from breakaway, and some stuff she was working on for her upcoming disc. she sounded so fantastic--at least, when we could hear her. we were sitting pretty far up in the nosebleeds, but really there's no bad seat, as you can see from this picture (below) taken with my camera phone. I really thought you couldn't take cameras into jones beach theatre, but i guess you can because EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER had one. i left mine at home so you're stuck with the crappy images. oh and also, i had to take a picture of the opening act, Rooney, because by the time kelly was to go on it would be dark and my teeny tiny camera would have registered only a black screen.

we really did sit in hell, considering in front of us was a bunch of 15-17 year old girls, who crossed...nay...STOMPED TO DEATH...the line between "fun concert go-er" and "obnoxious teenager." at some point, the pregnant woman and her husband (or gay friend, or baby daddy or brother) behind us got up and scolded them before walking out of the arena, though we were a little too far away to hear exactly what she said - jessica distinctly heard something like "you ruined our concert, you owe me 32 bucks for my ticket." they got scared after that and most of them left (how they got home, being too young to drive - seriously like 6 of them had braces - i don't know). we pondered for a while if we were jaded old women, but then said that no, we just had brains/a desire to see the actual concert. they spent a lot of the time in their seats trying to locate their friends in another section via cell phone and waving. Hello, did you spend 40 bucks to see Kelly Clarkson, or to try to find someone you sit behind everyday in english class?
Jessica placed our tickets in an envelope that said, "Open In Case of Extreme Urge to ROCK."
so if you get a chance, go see kelly. but sit close. and in the expensive seats. that should weed out some of the riff raff.