
jessica darling is a gem. she's a rare combination of hilarity and self loathing. a hyper-analytical, brilliant budding writer who falls victim to the trappings of teenage life: fake friends, boys who make you numb and parents who in the immortal words of the fresh prince, "just dont understand."
it's fiction, but it's real. because megan mccafferty makes it real. there's no over the top sentiment. this could actually have happened to someone you know. this could actually have happened to you. ok, so maybe it gets wrapped up in a little bit of a neat bow, but not too neat. and the bow is definitely not pink.
anyway, back to my point. the book comes out on the 11th. i pre-ordered it in december. i'm sitting on the edge of my seat with anticipation. i love good story telling. i love good writing. and this is some of the best writing i've read in a while. plus, dear jessica darling is in college. and that perfect boyfriend of hers....still around. i really can't wait to hear more about the man, the myth, the mystery of marcus flutie. it really is wrong to have crushes on fictional characters.
this post couldn't make me feel more like a geek than i already am.
join the phenomenon: get sloppy firsts. then immediately get second helpings.