so, it's not like i'm new to this whole "blogging" thing. and yet, when i started to get weird comments in russian promoting russian blogs, i was worried. i switched to moderate comments. instead of the free-for-all that was obviously happening. damn ruskies. anyway, being the dumbass that i am, i assumed that i would get emailed when i had a comment. i didn't get any emails, and i fashioned myself friendless. and reader-less. nice. except my sister pointed out that she made lots of comments. and that i had to approve them. which i did. so thanks, you guys (all three of you) for your various comments on the last few months of posting. i will now check daily to see if i have any friends/readers who want to tell me how they feel. it'll be like checking the mailbox, and finding that no one (save the credit card companies) loves me.