bode miller

so the other day, yesterday in fact, i was watching the news (i will spare you what newscast it was) and they were discussing bode miller, the five events he's entered in, and the ONE event that he had competed and lost. then, the newscaster said something that went like this...
"bode miller doesn't live up to the hype..."
now, bode miller. what-ever. he drinks and skiis, he parties, he's the child of hippies, he's the child of aliens, he was abducted by aliens, he was raised by wolves, he lives with chuck norris....WHATEVER. the man can ski. can the newscaster ski like that? i'm going to venture that the answer is no. and where did this hype come from? i'm going to venture another guess that the newscaster, news station, and the rest of the media CREATED it. was the hype based on past performances? sure. but bode miller can ski. is he an arrogant fucktard? maybe. but he's still at the olympics. and that alone is pretty much "living up to the hype" for me. plus, at the time of the broadcast, he had only competed in ONE of the five events he was entered in. give the guy a chance. he could sweep everything else (even though he was dq'd yesterday for straddling, but even then that still leaves the chance to win three medals).
so i say, hey...give bode a chance.