san your Golden Gate!

we bought city passes for us to enjoy all things touristy. I have a few recommendations on places to go from friends that are LESS touristy...and i have the traveller's spirit in my heart.
that's right. the traveller's spirit. ok, maybe not. because i hate to fly. like, really hate it. more despise it really. the last time i was on an aircraft, i cried. i was crying so hard that the guy in front of me (who flew stunt planes for a living, weird) had to turn around to try to talk me down. it didn't really work. i just got even more nervous about making other people uncomfortable rather than my nerves subsiding.
but who knows. this time, i'll be flying with my mom - which i've never done. so hopefully she'll be a calming influence. that is, unless she starts exhibiting some sort of fear of flying as well. and then we'll just be the row that "calm" forgot.
more than likely i won't blog this week. Maybe i'll check in once or twice to shove in your face how awesome a time i'm having. but maybe i'll just keep that for myself.
pictures of me and my toes in the pacific will surely follow.