watch out giant phallus! i'm heading to dc!!
that's right. the time of my departure is upon us. tomorrow morning allie and i set sail (start car) on our weekend excursion to maryland and our nations capital.
i'd like to share some pieces of advice i've heard from various people in my life in the last few days about what i should do during this trip...
conta says: make sure you see the panda
my mom says: you should bring your laundry
carrie says (all the way from nicaragua): Have a fun time in our nation's capital this weekend...but be careful...that place is ABSOLUTLEY crawling with assholes.
i will take all of those suggestions into consideration and i'd like to take the time to thank those good enough to offer their advice. and don't worry, i'll be carrying pepper spray for all the assholes i may encounter. although, i really don't think i'll need to, as we'll be doing a day trip to dc with my cousins (ages almost 2, almost 7 and almost 5) and their mom. i can hardly contain the excitement i hold within.
i'm really looking forward to this trip. the last time i was in dc i was about 10 or 11. and i really love learning about the birth of our nation. for all it has wrong with it, there really is no better place to live. except for ireland. cause you know, the beer. and all those red headed boys. yum. getting back to it...
i really love politics. i ran for class treasurer my freshman year of high school. before i realized that you had to be cool (a football player won against me. stupid john spatola) and have friends, and people who were going to vote for you, to really participate in a school election. i don't really remember much about that period of about a month or two. save for the moments leading up to the speech i had to give on our schools morning television show. ask me what i spoke about...go ahead...YEAH I DON'T REMEMBER (seriously, i don't). if anyone from high school actually reads this, you should go ahead and email me to clue me in on what you remember of the incident.
i have a long history of blocking out the most embarrassing experiences of my life. including most of second grade (my teacher hated me), parts of 8th (my classmates hated me) and the whole first two months of high school (when i was just an awkward mess). i'm sure with therapy i would regain the memory of these instances. which is why i'm staying far far away from anyone willing to psychoanalyze me.
on a completely and totally unrelated note: it's boiling hot in this office. i want to take a nap. a long one. usually it's subzero in here. but today i think the heat is actually on. way to go building heat manager people...it's 72 degrees out.
i hope you survive the weekend without me.
lots of pictures (really) and funny anecdotes on monday. for sure.