Wednesday, September 27, 2006

i can't get enough of those "Daily Show" guys...

even stephVen

how great is this?



the maury show is absolutely one of my guilty pleasures. something about listening to the various sob stories and baby momma/daddy drama makes me feel so...

better about myself?

it's debatable. whatever the reason is, i like it. it's chock full of drama and intrigue, even if the stories are generally overused or repeated daily.

but my sister - she watches maury everyday. because she works from 12-8 and maury is on at 10 (i don't get that luxury). so sometimes she IMs me while i'm at work to tell me the day's topic. she likes the paternity tests too. she watches it enough that on the odd day when i'm home from work or sick, she'll remark to me while we watch, "that woman's been on before. she already tested 10 men to see who the father is." i marvel at her ability to keep this knowledge, and shake my head in shame/laugh hysterically when the results are announced.

god i love daytime tv.

but this is the best....i check everyday for celeb news and gossip. yep, i'm going there. and what do they have as one of their news articles:

GET MAURY ON THE CASE: Paparazzo Larry Birkhead disputing Howard K. Stern's claim that he's the father of Anna Nicole Smith's weeks-old daughter and seeking a paternity test to prove it, posting the following message on his Website: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! In case there is any confusion, I am not laughing at myself!" Actually, there may be a couple more "HA's" in there, but you get the gist.


eonline, I love you.

oh, that's just my baby's daddy....

don't worry, i'm not preggers. but i just can't stop laughing from something my sister said to me online earlier...

sheeeeeeeepRgood: um so in my dream last night you told me you were pregnant
sheeeeeeeepRgood: so lay off the sex
sheeeeeeeepRgood: <3 you gotta goooo

see what i mean?