we're gonna bowl tonight

to celebrate a great first quarter, my officemates and i will be going bowling midday tomorrow through tomorrow evening. i like to bowl. it's so much fun. it's a sport where semi-bald men are revered, a beer belly respected, and general geekiness abounds.
plus there's no running. and there doesn't have to be heavy lifting, although if you pick the wrong ball you're really in for it.
but it got me thinking of all the bowling related stuff i've endured. my dad was an avid bowler, and he even worked at some bowling alleys when he was a teen/young adult. when my parents started dating, my mom went so far as to get her own engraved bowling ball and bag, to better appreciate/fit in with my dad and his hobbies. so going bowling when i was young, was an experience similar to what some kids today experience when their parents coach their sporting team: not fun. he would yell, discourage the use of bumpers (c'mon, i was a kid) and generally hate on my stance or form until he got so frustrated he would either walk away to avoid the anguish or grab me by the arm and "show" me the right way to hold the ball - by throwing it himself. ok, maybe im exaggerating a little.
anyway, it also got me thinking about bowling movies (because really, what else is my life other than television and movies). and i think you'll all agree that the top three bowling movies are (in no particular order):
The Big Lebowski
Grease 2
ok, so Grease 2 isn't exactly fine cinema. but Michelle Pfeiffer is in it! and, it gave us this bowling classic of a song..."Score Tonight"
Come on everybody, gather round
I'm gonna show you how to knock 'em down
When I'm on the ball, I'm the # 1...
And I'm gonna show you...how it's done.
Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's Rock-'n-Roll
Hey come on let's get this show on the road.
Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's Rock-'n-Roll
We're sittin' on a bomb that's about to explode.
We're gonna score tonight, we're gonna score tonight.
If you're lookin' for a fight, then the time is right.
We're gonna wipe the floor with you tonight.
We're gonna score tonight, we're gonna score tonight.
We're gonna rock, we're gonna roll,
We're gonna bop, we're gonna bowl,
We're gonna score, score, score, score, score tonight!
Johnny: Hey Paulette take a look over here,
I'm your kingpin honey and I'm gettin' in gear!
Paulette: Hey Johnny, Johnny, go for that strike,
And I just might be your baby tonight!
Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's rock-'n-roll.
Hey, come on, let's get the show on the road.
Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's rock-'n-roll.
Cause the stakes are high, and the winner takes all!
We're gonna score tonight, we're gonna score tonight.
Don't get sore when you lose tonight,
We're gonna show you how to do it right.
We're gonna score tonight, we're gonna score tonight.
We're gonna rock, we're gonna roll,
We're gonna bop, we're gonna bowl.
We're gonna score score score score score....TONIGHT
Music & Lyrics: Domenic Bugatti, Frank Muskeer, & Louis St. LouisVocal: Adrian Zmed (with T-Birds and Pink Ladies)
case. closed.