Modesty, redefined.
so i'm sitting at my desk, minding my own business...when i get an email. PING! EMAIL! from my coworker sam. here's what it said:
to: monica
from: sam
So THIS is where "they" get their clothes.
i go to the website, because sam has a way of finding the oddest things that will no doubt make me spit my coffee out on my keyboard (ok so that only happened once). and i find (as you will find when you visit the site) THIS:
oh the horror! a tshirt dress!
but it gets worse. because on their "about me" section they have this little gem,
"Our desire is to offer women an alternative to the promiscuous fashions that are prevalent in clothing stores today. We have spoken to many different women about shopping for clothing for themselves and their daughters. Time and time again we were told how difficult it is to find clothing that wasn't skin tight or that didn't reveal more of their body than they wanted too. Simply put, modest clothing is hard to find."
You're damn right modest clothing is hard to find! THAT'S BECAUSE IT'S A CRIME AGAINST FASHION. there are plenty of things available in any major store that would be better than this. wal-mart for godsakes has some clothes that neither fit nor will catch on fire, all for their low low prices. you can even get a long sleeved tshirt and loose jeans (weekend fit) at OLD NAVY.
But our story doesn't end here. Nay. because my interest in modest clothing is sparked. i do a google search and come up with 7,150,000 hits. quite a lot.
and so i send an email back:
to: sam
from: monica
ok seriously,
and there you will find the worst of all modest apparel: modest swimwear. blogger is refusing to help me out and won't let me upload a picture. so just go to the site. see for yourself. and then weep for all the children dying of heat stroke due to their BATHING SUITS.
the moral of the story: i'll never understand fundamentalist christians. or people who wear tshirt dresses.