you light up my life...
hmmm, not the lord.
not a boyfriend.
or a family member.
or friend.
who lights up my life?
obviously, MEG CABOT does.

first of all, she's awesome. she writes anywhere from 2-10 books a year (ok, so it just feels like a lot, but's like 2 or 3) all of which are delicious. think...a really good ABC family movie (or disney movie
so if the above wasn't i know she's the most awesome ever because she's going on the TODAY show! to talk about her new book (how to be popular). she MUST surf my blog because how else would she know that i watch The Today Show every single morning and therefore that is the greatest place to reach out to me (other than personally coming to my home/emailing me/iming me/calling me on my cell/calling me at work)?
yeah, we're gonna be BFF.