our liberal bullshit isn't getting us anywhere...
the title of this post comes from Owen M. Smith. he's my best friend danny's best friend from school, a friend of mine, and someone i see on a semi-regular basis. last night, at danny's apartment, we were watching the news and listening to the pre-state of the union talk. and owen, frustrated with the blabbering of everyone on the news said...
we[democrats] gotta stop with this. i mean, i'm as liberal as they come, but going on tv and talking about it and complaining isn't going to work. i mean, our liberal bullshit isn't getting us anywhere. (paraphrased for lack of memory, but that's the jist)
so, in the interest of not spouting anymore liberal bullshit (not that i really had on this page anyway) i offer another commentary on another war that is currently being waged...
the kitten war.
since i'm moving on saturday, and have sent out about a bazillion messages to all of my friends asking them for their undying love and support (and their hands/trucks/time) in the moving effort, i decided to attach a fun picture to keep everyone from hating me. this is the one i chose:

it's so cute. i can't take it. i find this funny, because i was never a cat person, until we got a cat. toni danza (named so for our affection for fading 80's television stars) is the greatest. she's weird. she's crazy. she's hopped up on some sort of cat drug. it's fantastic. anyway, back to my story. i was thinking of attaching a different, cuter picture of kittens to go out with yet another email i'm still deciding on sending...so i googled the word "kittens." the first result:
how awesome. note the tiny kitten wearing a helmet in the upper right hand corner. you can view the most winingest kittens or the most losingest ones. whichever way you go, you realize that this is a war we can't lose.
simply the most "awww" inpsiring site i've seen.
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