why i should leave the house without my credit cards and identification
because when i don't, i end up with new things:

that's right, folks. i bit the bullet. well, actually i didn't so much bite the bullet as my old ipod actually bit it. bought the farm. kicked the bucket. died. The plan, initially was just to go and get my dying or presumed dead ipod fixed. so, saturday, after my excurciatingly BORING defensive driving class, my mom and i headed to the apple store in the walt whitman mall to see if there was anything they could do. i signed up for the genius bar, got seen fairly quickly and then....exactly what i was dreading happened: the wise man at the genius bar (who looked like a balding ben affleck - pre the disney dental plan) told me it was of no use. he really tried, kids. he hooked it up to three different machines. my ipod was dead. DEAD. i got a little emotional, but then realized that allison had just purchased a new ipod, and told me that i could make use of her shuffle while i figured out what i wanted to do. this did not satisfy me. oh no. because the shuffle would never be "mine." and i want what i want when i want it. and i wanted a video ipod. i grabbed an apple salesperson and said, "how do you open an apple credit account?" and that's when he lead me to the computer, opened up the info page for me, and sent me on my way to apple credit card heaven. so, while i was filling out the application i started thinking...
why on earth would i want to bring a 30 gig ipod and a 20 gig computer together? it just doesn't make sense. theoretically, the computer should have MORE, not less, gigabytes than the ipod. so...what the hell....

i bought it. and it's glorious.
my ipod and macbook are both white. because i'm a racist. haha, no...it's because the black ones "show fingerprints" according to the guy at apple. and i believe him.
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