point counterpoint. or, reasons i hate/love NYC

i love new york. and here's why...
-you can do anything here. anything. see a show, buy some drugs, play in the park, visit a castle, view history, go to a museum...anything.
-new yorkers are nice people. it's the tourists that give us a bum rap. you need directions? ask someone. i've never had anyone turn me away when i've asked how to get somewhere, or which train i should take.
-the skyline. from anywhere, it's awe-inspiring.
-transportation is easy.
-culture is everywhere. you can't swing a stick without bumping into some sort of historical building or site.
-there's simply nothing like walking down a nyc street with a friend, talking or not talking about whatever is going on in your lives, when it's 68 degrees and sunny, with a slight breeze.
-food, drink, fun all night long. the city literally does not sleep.
-my job is here. gotta love the place that keeps you fed, clothed and in a home.
but i also hate new york. and here's why:

-i work at the entrance to the holland tunnel. BEEPING GETS YOU NO WHERE, PEOPLE. beeping does not speed up traffic, it does not clear the accident ahead of you and it certainly does no good for my giant post-work headache. thanks. SHH.
-new yorkers are nice people. unless you get the real shitty ones. like the ones that LEAN ON THE POLE IN THE SUBWAY DURING RUSH HOUR. hi, it's rush hour. people are smooshed like sardines. how about you stop leaning on the pole, and let some people hold on. that way, they won't step on my feet.
-transportation is easy. unless you ride the G, L, JMZ, or occasionally the E (when it is being retarded). Then, it's a mother effing nightmare.
-new york in the rain, slush or shitstorm sucks. hard. what's with people and their umbrellas. i'm trying to keep my vision, people. try not to poke me in the eye.
-the city may not sleep, but i don't live here. and neither do all the people who ride what allie and i have come to call the "drunk train." the drunk train is/are the trains that leave penn station between the hours of 2 and 4. and usually consist of overly greased up guidos, and underdressed skank hos - all yelling at a capacity i didn't know was humanly possible until recently.
-my job is here. enough said.
the good far outweighs the bad though. and truth be told, it really is the greatest city in the world. even if it's raining, or plans to continue raining for the next five days. boo.
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