back from my big fat hiatus

A hiatus (from Latin hiatus, -us, m.: gap; cf. hiare, hio, hiavi (hisco); Greek (χαίνω) έ-χαν-ον, κέχηνα; Old High German ginēn; German 'gähnen' -> "yawn") is a suspension or interruption in the intensity or amount of something.
thanks Wikipedia.
much like your favorite television shows and mine (ie: lost, gilmore girls, prison break), i have been on hiatus for several weeks. but i'm back. hopefully with more intense and revealing episodes than ever before!
so stay tuned to find out if i save my brother from the electric chair and break out of prison. or if i manage to find out if henry gale is indeed an other. or if my smart talking mother marries that diner owner....
or you could just stay tuned to find out if i keep up with writing this thing...
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