Tick Tock Tick Tock

and so we rapidly approach this blog's first birthday. note: the cake pictured is what came up when i googled "birthday cake." i think it's hilarious and completely INAPPROPRIATE because
your kid may want to be a playboy bunny, but that doesn't mean you have to support it at age 16
ok, enough of that. so, it's pretty hard to believe that almost twelve months ago i had a free 25 minutes and decided to start a blog. and now look at me: barely posting, completely unenamored with blogging, and on the verge of scrapping it.
but i won't, for now. here's my plan...
I'll keep the blog alive until it's actual birthday (January 18). and then i'll re-evaluate. in the meantime, i'll try my best to be once again a daily poster.
maybe forcing myself to post will re-ignite my passion. or maybe i'll scrap the whole blogging idea and do a picture of the week or a picture of the month thing...get my self promotion started..
awww, yeah!
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