ages and ages
too long since the last post, too too long. you're all dying to know what i've been up to, huh?
first: i went to see maury povich. and it was gloriously awful and amazing. you really get sucked into the whole mob scene. i was booing and cheering along with everyone else. toothless women, a midget, crazy mullets, someone split their was almost too much excitement for one day. almost.
second: i'm busy being obsessed with this cd.

third: i'm really upset. because TJ BearyTales:

Hello! I just came upon your site looking for differences between the teddy ruxpin and the new tj bearytales. They did re-release teddy ruxpin for this Christmas, and I am just trying to find out which one is better. Anyway, just wanted to leave a comment and say I was here.
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