things to consider when looking for a job

anyway, i'm off topic. because the number one thing you should consider while looking for a job is...."can i take a 20 minute nap undetected at my workspace?"
as i found out today, the answer for me is a resounding "yes." although i do have to admit i wasn't at MY workspace. i was in the conference room. the glass walled conference room that faces the communal kitchen. the communal kitchen that during the 20 minutes or so i had my head down, at least 8 people walked in and out of.
8 people. and no one said anything to me. that's the kind of environment everyone should work in. the kind where if you feel like putting your head down on your desk...or on the conference table...for a few minutes, no one would think you're being "lazy" or a "dumbass." you're just doing what you can do to get through the day, and hopefully make that day more productive.
thanks, employers. you made my day.
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