Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Coworkers

i just had one of the funniest IM conversations ever. my coworker vanessa and i talk sometimes at work, mostly about BS. but sometimes about hilarious follows...
Vanessa: coffee isnt helping
Vanessa: im sooooooooo tired
Vanessa: thanks
ME: i can come over there and smack you around a bit
ME: that might wake you up
Vanessa: i love that!
Vanessa: actually
Vanessa: punch me in my face
Vanessa: i tell my friend to all the time
Vanessa: she wont
Vanessa: ive never been punched dead in my face
Vanessa: u can be the first
ME: hahaha it's funny you say that
ME: because my friend chris had never been punched in the face either
ME: until a couple years ago when we were out at a bar drinking, and he was wasted
ME: and somehow convinced me to punch him
ME: in the face
ME: and i did
ME: and then it became a thing
ME: whenever we would get drunk, i'd have to punch him in the face
Vanessa: NO!
Vanessa: i LOVE UUUUU
Vanessa: thats terrific!
ME: then his girlfriend, one of my best friends, told me i had to stop because we just looked stupid
ME: and i never punched anyone in the face after that
ME: i think the last time i punched him was like a year ago
ME: long story short - you dont want me punching you in the face
Vanessa: no i do
Vanessa: lol
Vanessa: do it in the eye
Vanessa: so that my tooth dont get loose
ME: i'll totally blind you
Vanessa: i love strong people its so cool
ME: i'm like hercules
Vanessa: no hahahahahahaaaaaaaaa
Vanessa: lmaooooooooooo
Vanessa: thats like my friend joleen*
Vanessa: destroys people its great
ME: i have to use my power for good, not evil
*name has been changed to protect the innocent
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