Going our separate ways...
seriously, i haven't posted in a week. sorry. but this week has been HELLA busy. work has been crazy, as we're launching JokeBanana! so go to it, visit, poke around, laugh. and we STILL DON'T HAVE INTERNET at home. i've now successfully emailed my landlord a bazillion times in the past two weeks. to no avail, apparently. we were supposed to have internet wednesday night, and that went really well (aka not at all). also occupying my mind and time...

veronica mars.
yes, you read correctly. on a whim (aka impulse buy, aka buying things will make me happy moment) i bought the complete first season, site unseen. i was going on a hunch. you see, kristin veitch of E! Online fame loves the show. and everyone i talk to about it loves the show. and i have never seen the show, because it's been up against LOST. seriously, i'm supposed to NOT watch lost? yeah, right. so anyway, i buy it. and it's awesome. if you see me around today and i look dead on my feet, the reason is that i stayed up until 330am watching veronica mars solve crimes. during each episode my girl crush on veronica grows 10 fold. but i'll probably have to fight allie for her. because she's also obsessed.
i'd just like to note, that when i asked allie if she wanted to watch veronica mars with me, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "i guess, it's not like there's anything else on."
she's hooked now.
I really don't know what it is about the show. it just sucks you in. it's dark and funny at the same time. how did the UPN end up with this? how did someone else not snatch this up?!
whatever, i'm just glad that it's going to be paired with Gilmore Girls this fall.
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